There are certain artists that really inspire me and my imagination – I see their work around town, don’t know their identity and yet fall in LOVE with what they do. I look at Bode Klein’s previous work on the streets and think wow, what an awesome message, clearly a lot of thought has gone into choosing spots , and quite often I pose the question – how the hell did he do that? You can see his passion in the incredible documentary which was screened at the St.Kilda film festival last year. Once I met the artist in person, we immediately hit it off and we share a connection that is full of random surprise meetings with both him and his artwork on the streets. Seeing his gallery work takes my respect for Bode to a whole different level – such beautiful delicate work that seems to reflect his close affiliation with nature. The recent show at Off The Kerb gallery with all new works on canvas was practically all sold out when I finally got down there. And of course, without any prior plan, our paths crossed again totally by chance in the gallery. I look forward to more of his amazing installations and exhibitions in the future….