Documenting street art and graffiti in melbourne and beyond
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on HOARDING – DEAMS, SHIDA, AL STARK & STABS
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on YOU TALK WE DIE

A while ago I was approached by a local residents association who were trying to get the government to start a trial for a supervised injecting room in the area to minimise the increasing number of drug overdoses and deaths in the area. They wanted to organise a mural with a goal to raise awareness […]

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 77 AUGUST

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Street Art & Graffiti – August 2017

Categories: exhibition, street art | Comments Off on SENEKT – EQUILIBRIUM

Over the last few years, I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting and spending some time with Japanese artist Senekt whilst he called Melbourne home. Over this period, I have seen some amazing walls that he has painted, enjoyed his beautiful hospitality, been to his awesome exhibitions and he has featured on the blog […]