Documenting street art and graffiti in melbourne and beyond
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 85 APRIL
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 77 AUGUST

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Street Art & Graffiti – August 2017

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 57 DEC 2015

Categories: street art | Comments Off on SOMETHING FISHY IN RICHMOND
Categories: street art | Comments Off on MAKATRON, ITCH & OTIS – BRUNSWICK
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 48 MARCH 2015

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on PATERSON PROJECT PART 3
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 45 DECEMBER 2014  

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 44 NOVEMBER 2014    

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on PORT MELBOURNE UNDERPASS


Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 43 OCTOBER 2014  

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on SUNSHINE LANE PAINT UP
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on MSFW14 STREET ART PANELS
Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on MSFW14 STREET ART ACTIVATION
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on SINCH CITY @ THE COMMONS BRUNSWICK – COMPLETED
Categories: street art | Comments Off on AWOL CREW PRODUCTION MELBOURNE
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on TRAFFIC UTILITY BOXES MELBOURNE FOUR
Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on PULL UP
Categories: allyourwalls, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on ALLYOURWALLS STAGE ONE
Categories: street art | Comments Off on TRAFFIC UTILITY BOXES MELBOURNE THREE

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on THEN AND NOW SIX. MELBOURNE
Categories: exhibition, graffiti, melbourne street art, street art | Comments Off on NEW HUNTING GROUND – OPENING 21ST JUNE 2013
Categories: street art | Comments Off on THEN AND NOW FOUR. MELBOURNE
Categories: Uncategorized | Comments Off on AWOL FABRIC SHOW. MELBOURNE  

Categories: Uncategorized | Comments Off on AWOL CREW PRESENTS FABRIC