Documenting street art and graffiti in melbourne and beyond
LUSH (unauthorised) NGV SHOW

First there was an Instagram shout out, then I received a little heads up with the finer details of an exhibition that was about to happen, and then The Age  article came out. The media article made the exhibition install even more difficult as the security were now on high alert at the National Gallery of Victoria  – something was going down, or in fact going up. And then it happened, in the disabled toilets at the St.Kilda road site. It was all so fast. Before I knew who had done what, I found myself in THE bathroom, door locked, having the show all to myself. Knowing it wouldn’t last long, and not wanting to hog it all to myself, I furiously took the snaps and hightailed it out of there before the security got a wind of what had just taken place. I believe only two other lucky art lovers saw the show before the uniforms arrived and removed all unauthorsied artworks. The question is, where are all those pieces now? deansunshine_landofsunshine_melbourne_streetart_graffiti_LUSH NGV 2016 1

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