Documenting street art and graffiti in melbourne and beyond
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on SIRUM + FRIENDS
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on F1 CREW MELBURN 2018

fresh graffiti production by the F1 Crew featuring legend writers SIRUM  DVATE  SHEM  PLEA SAGE

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 88 JULY


Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 87 JUNE
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 85 APRIL
Categories: graffiti | Comments Off on IRONLAK – DOSS BLOCKOS
Categories: graffiti | Comments Off on MELBURN GRAFF 2017
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 77 AUGUST

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Street Art & Graffiti – August 2017

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on ANDREW BOURKE HUMPBACKS
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on MELBOURNE STREET ART FOR VOGUE

I recently supplied a list of Melbourne murals to Vogue. The brief was to show a range of different street art which were still available for anyone to go and track down and see for themselves in reality and in context… see the article and all thirty two murals here,41820

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on UNDERPASS PROJECT STAGE 2

A few months after the Underpass Project Stage One was completed, stage two got underway with more of Melbourne’s finest graffiti writers let loose on the killer wall trackside next to the city – sentimental to many of these guys as noted in the Ironlak article (featuring awesome photos by Pixels) Using a colour scheme […]

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on CAN STREET ART MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

Fourteen Melbourne based artists were each commissioned to paint a panel to be displayed outside The Art of Banksy – with a plan to sell them all and raise money for charity when the exhibition finishes in January 2017. The funds raised through the online auction will be split between two Melbourne charities – STREAT […]

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on THE ART OF BANKSY MELB

I was contacted about The Art Of Banksy exhibition coming to Melbourne a while ago, and I had mixed emotions. It was not authorised but at the same time all the eighty original artworks were sold by Banksy himself thus creating a secondary market for his works. I was assured there were no pieces in […]

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 66 SEPT 2016

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on F1 CREW BRUNSWICK
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 63 JUNE 2016

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 62 MAY 2016

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on PARK ST WALL
Categories: graffiti, street art | 1 Comment
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on MELBOURNE GRAFF DEC 2015
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 53 AUG 2015

Categories: graffiti | Comments Off on MELBOURNE GRAFFITI AUG 2015
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 52 JULY 2015  

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 51 JUNE 2015

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 49 APRIL 2015

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on PATERSON PROJECT PART 1

I am so proud to be part of the Melbourne street art and graffiti scene. Street art festivals in other cities rely on money from local councils and corporations whilst here in Melburn the whole community gets together and generously gives time, effort, money, skills and artwork for a greater cause. Last week saw the Paterson Project happen with the […]

Get down to this exhibition featuring some of Melbourne’s finest talent as a tribute to Mark “Chopper” Read for more info click here

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on THE ROSE CAR PARK – MELBOURNE
Categories: abando, graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 39 JUNE 2014
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on F.ONE CREW – PARK ST, BRUNSWICK APRIL 2014