Documenting street art and graffiti in melbourne and beyond
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 80 NOV

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on RENNIE ELLIS + P1XELS – MELB

As a documenter of street art and graffiti myself, there are some other photographers out there that I respect and admire – first and foremost Henry Chalfant and Martha Cooper for their amazing efforts in the 70’s and 80’s in New York, and then comes Rennie Ellis who was taking photos of graffiti he spotted in the lanes and […]

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on CALLUM PRESTON’S MILK BAR  

Categories: abando, exhibition, graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 79 OCT

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Street Art & Graffiti – October 2017

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on DEAMS + SHIDA BRUNSWICK

This is what happens when you throw two street artists on a killer wall and let them go nuts. Deams and Shida couldn’t be more opposite – one extremely strict using perfect straight lines, curves and geometry, the other more organic and fluid with bodies that weightlessly dance. I am pretty fortunate that I get […]

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on YES – MELBOURNE STREETART

This country is clearly divided about marriage equality, in fact I think the issues surrounding the topic have brought out some of the the best and the worst in Australians. I still do not understand why the politicians are spending millions of our tax dollars to pay for this process when they could have, SHOULD […]

Categories: graffiti | Comments Off on MELBURN GRAFF 2017
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on THEN AND NOW – HOSIER SPOT

There are certain places in Melbourne that are continually refreshed with new pieces – whether street art, graffiti, political or with a social message. This one spot in Hosier Lane highlights the diversity of the creativity that we are all fortunate to get to experience….

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on CREMORNE MELBURN 2017

A group of talented graffiti writers and street artists spent a Sunday afternoon painting a massive section of wall along the train tracks in Cremorne. The artists were not paid, they just wanted to bring some life to this classic spot for all the local community to enjoy. Unfortunately within a few months, all the […]

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on UNWELL BUNNY – FACING DECONSTRUCTION
Categories: exhibition, street art | Comments Off on TINKY, DRASKO, AKEMI ITO, BAREK
Categories: exhibition, street art | Comments Off on IAN STRANGE – OPEN HOME
Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 78 SEPT

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Streetart & Graffiti – September 2017

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on HOARDING – DEAMS, SHIDA, AL STARK & STABS
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on YOU TALK WE DIE

A while ago I was approached by a local residents association who were trying to get the government to start a trial for a supervised injecting room in the area to minimise the increasing number of drug overdoses and deaths in the area. They wanted to organise a mural with a goal to raise awareness […]

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 77 AUGUST

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Street Art & Graffiti – August 2017

Categories: exhibition, street art | Comments Off on SENEKT – EQUILIBRIUM

Over the last few years, I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting and spending some time with Japanese artist Senekt whilst he called Melbourne home. Over this period, I have seen some amazing walls that he has painted, enjoyed his beautiful hospitality, been to his awesome exhibitions and he has featured on the blog […]

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on MIC PORTER – SELF LOATHING – BACKWOODS
Categories: graffiti, street art | 1 Comment

There is no denying that Melbourne’s LUSH is getting up around town like no other. The media can not get enough of him and his political and celebrity meme driven work on the streets with Seinfeld taking a photo at his portrait in Fitzroy just the other day. He was even foolishly mistaken for Banksy […]

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on MAKATRON’S URBAN JUNGLE OASIS

Makatron recently finished a large jungle mural featuring wild animals, lush tropical plants, insects, a waterfall flowing into what looks like a cenote and some overgrown old technology hidden throughout the artwork. The whole commission took around a week to paint and is part of Green Your Laneway – an initiative by the City of […]

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 76 JULY 2017

Sunshines Top 10 Melbourne Street Art & Graffiti – July 2017

Categories: street art | Comments Off on DEAMS GEOMETRIC TAKEOVER


Categories: abando, exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on RONE – THE OMEGA PROJECT

Rone has just launched The OMEGA Project and totally transformed a quaint abandoned house in Melbourne into a temporary exhibition only open for viewing for just seven days before being demolished. Seven female portraits appear like ghosts – one in each room, inviting the onlooker to leave their reality and immerse themselves in the immediate surroundings teeming […]

Will Coles – the man that used to call Sydney his home launched his new solo exhibition aptly titled FUCK SYDNEY last night.  Realistically the artist and his incredible sculptures should have called Melbourne home but instead of leaving Sydney to move to our fair city, he jetted off to Spain never to be seen […]

Categories: graffiti, invurt top ten, street art | Comments Off on INVURT SUNSHINE’S TOP TEN 75 JUNE 2017

Sunshines Melbourne Graffiti & Street Art Top 10 – June 2017

Categories: exhibition, graffiti, street art | Comments Off on SHEPARD FAIREY DOES SYDNEY

It’s not everyday you get to meet a true street art legend but that’s exactly what happened in Sydney recently. Shepard Fairey – the man behind the “Andre the Giant has a posse” sticker campaign, the killer Obey clothing label, and the Obama “Hope” poster, was in Australia as part of Vivid Festival 2017. Whilst […]


Categories: abando, graffiti | Comments Off on THEN AND NOW – PRESTON BONEYARD
Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on HEESCO + MAYO – THE HIVE MELB

Heesco and Mayo collaborate for the first time on a notorious wall in Richmond. For years there were multiple attempts to give this wall a well-needed makeover and finally, this goal was realised in just seven days in May. The aim of the project was to bring joy to this run down spot and highlight a small […]

Categories: graffiti, street art | Comments Off on BAILER MAKATRON DEM189 STH MELB